Liz the Witch

Image by Shibari Kinbaku from Pixabay
Funnily enough, my personal preference for bondage started with an imaginary version. One time, as a kid still in primary school, I was playing with the neighborhood kids, and somehow, I ended up as the evil witch being chained and locked away. Just for the record, there were no chains, there was no rope, it was all imagined. This was in the eighties, and we were still innocent. Anyway, it only lasted for a couple of minutes, maybe not even that. And yet I was disappointed when I was released. I tried to steer the game back to me being the evil witch, but alas.
Why would you?
This interaction had nothing to do with anything sexual. It would take several years for me to even understand the concept of sex. But it did feel good. I sincerely believe this is where my fascination with bondage began.
But what is bondage actually? I mean, why do people, of their own volition, get it in their heads to let other people tie them up? When you think about it this way, it’s a strange practice. In this article, I will explore how the general public views bondage and participates in it, and what the physical and mental reasons are to partake in these practices.
Rope is for the Bad Guys
I can only imagine what the practice of bondage looks like to an outsider. Most will probably have the same view as some of the dominants I have spoken: ‘I could not imagine having someone tie me up willingly. I need space to move.’ Most will, at the same time, make a flapping movement with their arms. In mainstream media, bondage is usually associated with the bad guys. The criminals who should be prevented from escaping, that’s why they need twenty layers of rope around them or should be chained to the table leg. So who in their right mind, would want to undergo this willingly? As it turns out, the act of bondage, be it with rope or with chains, has a massive impact on the levels of submission the submissive experiences, both physical and mental.
Bondage and the Body
As the flapping movement of the protesters showed, bondage, by definition, takes away the ability to move from the one being restrained. In the scene, the person doing the tying with rope is referred to as the rigger, while the one he ties up, is called the rope-bunny. It’s a physical experience. The rope bunny is being touched, both by the rigger and the rope itself. This alone gives a lot of stimulation. Adults, in general, aren’t touched that often, so a full-body harness gives a lot of touch at once. And it’s not just that, the rope is frequently being pulled tight, which makes for an even more intense experience. During this session, the submissive has no choice, but to ‘be inside her body,’ the constant touches and pulls will make sure of that. It can be a confronting experience since it’s not like watching TV or sitting behind your computer. For once, you are drawn to your body and every bit of skin that is roped in.
Bondage and the Mind
It’s not just the body. The act of bondage has an impact on the mental state as well. For as long as the bondage play lasts, the submissive is forced to give everything over to the Dominant wielding the rope. When done within a safe and trusted relationship, this can make for a secure feeling within the submissive. Literally, nothing else can be done right now, so it’s better to give in and undergo what is being done. There is no need for worrying about grocery lists, or actually any other topic. With every pull of the rope, you are reminded that for now, you have given over to your Dominant. The added rush of endorphins that come with the act of bondage, enhance this feeling. To me, this can cause me to float mentally. No more bad thoughts, just riding the high of the endorphins.
Incomprehensible, but Beneficial
To an outsider, doing bondage will seem weird and incomprehensible, but it can be beneficial for the submissive undergoing the tying up. It brings her back into her body, instead of the distant feeling you may have during daily life. And it can be a reset for the brain. Riding high on endorphins can give you a break from worrying, and may bring you to an overall better place. It’s not easy per se, you do need to submit and give over to your rigger. But once you do, the rewards can be great, maybe greater than you could have imagined.
Some interesting ideas on the topic can be found here: