The Aicahn learns about the BDSM fringe community.
Brapax tried to adjust to his new planet and their customs. During his first visit he was nearly successful.
“Mr Brapax? Sorry to bother you, but could I ask a few questions?”
Brapax grunted at the DM he received. The woman’s 3D depiction had her standing with her arms out, palms down. He nodded in approval.
“Thank you, Mr Brapax, thank you so much. I’ve been a student of the Aicahn race for a long time, and I’m a big admirer. I have a theory I would like to discuss with you.”
Brapax had to struggle to understand the woman’s words. Instead of using the auto-translator, he was making an effort to learn his new planet’s language. He caved and turned the translator on. “Go ahead.”
“Oh, thank you, thank you.” The woman bowed her head. “I hope this is not inappropriate for you, but I’m intrigued with how you treat your lovers. I’m particularly intrigued by your use of violence.” She punched the air to clarify her words. “I know this is a long-standing tradition among your people, dating back to Bralock the First.”
Brapax rose at the mention of his esteemed elder and let out a roar.
The woman seemed taken aback for a moment but then continued.
“Yes, I see. Well, I have a particular genetical make-up which could make me compatible with your race.”
“How so?” Brapax didn’t know what the woman could mean. Could she handle his two penises better than the average human woman?
“I’m a sexually submissive and masochistic female. Ever since this came up with genetic testing, my parents have steered me away from this preference, but once I lived on my own, I began to investigate. I can’t ignore it.”
“What does this mean?”
“I get sexual arousal when partners, in my case men, hurt me. It has to be in a sexual setting, but I enjoy being hit either with a hand or with a whip.”
Brapax looked confused. “We do that to criminals and to those that need to be taught a lesson.”
“Yes, but you also do it naturally during arousal. And your standard greeting, of course.”
Brapax grinned and swung his fist in the air. “Yeah, humans don’t like that.”
“Well, in a sexual setting, I do. And I thought, maybe you could help me explore these feelings.”
“So we can greet each other face to face?”
The woman shrugged. “Yes, and maybe something more. Can I show you some images of how people with my genetic make-up do things?”
“Yes, play.”
Brapax studied the images played on his screen intently. He saw women on their knees being whipped on their asses and women bound against a wall being hit on their backs.
“But why?” he asked when the images stopped.
The woman’s cheeks were scarlet red by now. “It turns the people on, both the ones being hit and the one who is hitting. Like, I know the Aicahn choke their women during intercourse. Does that turn you on?”
Brapax considered it for a moment. “No, is normal. For better and fuller orgasm, it’s needed.”
“Exactly, so you do see the necessity. So what do you say? Care to try out the things from the clip I showed you with me?”
“Sure. You have whip?”
Brapax didn’t really know what to make of it, but the woman had a certain appeal, and part of him was intrigued by her plans.
“Yes, I do. Can you come over here, maybe in an hour or so? I’ll text you the address.”
Brapax grunted, hit his chest and disconnected. That was a weird interchange, but he was curious to see what might happen.
Once at her place, the door opened before he needed to ring the bell. The woman was smiling at him from the doorway. “Hi, I’m happy you showed.”
Brapax frowned. “I’m Aicahn. I always keep my promises.” The auto-translator was still on. He had decided it was better not to have language misunderstandings during their meet-up.
The woman nodded. “Yes, I know your reputation. My name is Enania.” She extended both her hands, palms down. Brapax almost shook her
hand, but remembering their conversation, he punched her in the jaw. “Brapax.”
Enania moved her jaw from left to right. Even though she had been prepared, this hit her hard. She cleared her throat. “Come in. Let me show you the way.”
Brapax followed her inside to a small room. The room’s surroundings flickered between a dark forest setting, a bustling city street, to an idyllic beach location.
“I’m so sorry, my holo room keeps glitching up. I swear I had prepared the right one.” She switched through a couple more scenes until a dark room showed up. It was decorated with red lights at the top edge of the walls, and a large X-shaped cross was against one of the walls. She went to the corner of the room and picked up an implement. She brought it to Brapax. “This is what you can use.”
He turned the whip over in his hand and whooshed it through the air. “This should hit you?”
She nodded while she undressed. “Yes, that’s the idea.”
“Have you done this before?”
She nervously shook her head. “No, I haven’t. It’s forbidden in our country. I know there are underground groups who participate in these events, but I haven’t found them.”
“Forbidden?” Brapax licked his lips. A woman desired to be whipped, and that was not allowed? Earthlings were really strange.
“I hope you don’t mind,” she asked with a slight tremor to her voice.
Brapax shook his head. He didn’t see the harm in it. Women on his planet had always recovered from their customs, and if not, then the female wasn’t strong enough anyway.
Enania crossed her arms before her breasts. “Maybe you could tie me to the cross before you do it? Like in the videos?”
Brapax nodded his consent and tied the naked woman to the cross by her wrists and ankles. A tingle began to rise deep inside him. To him, she was no longer a grown Earthling woman but a prey he had subdued. He looked away and took a few deep breaths. Calm yourself, Brapax; she came to you willingly.
He swung the whip and hit Enania’s ass. She yelped in pain. “Oh, I didn’t know we had begun. We…”
Brapax hit her again. His blood began to rise everywhere, his breathing intensified. It felt like the time he had caught a lion with his bare hands. It needed to be subdued. He was the alpha in this situation. He hit her left and right with the whip.
At first, the female screamed louder and louder. She pulled at her bonds, but they wouldn’t release her. Finally, she succumbed to the pain and gave over to him. By now, both her back and ass were reddened by the impact and her skin was wet by sweat.
“Brapax, please…” she uttered. “I’m…I’m only human.”
He finally calmed down and approached her. “Your need,” he responded accusingly. He enjoyed whipping the woman. It made him relive all his kills in the wild and her squeals and moans spurred him into action.
“Please,” Enania continued, “please fuck me. See how wet I’ve become.”
Brapax lowered his pants. His two large cocks stood proud. Like the woman, he had become aroused too. He pounded his lower cock deep inside her pussy. She moaned at the intrusion. She had been right about calling herself ready for intercourse. Her smell was delicious and triggered all his procreation sensors. He fucked her hard. Enania groaned and twisted in her bindings. He was her superior, and all she could do was submit.
Brapax couldn’t resist any longer. He knew this wasn’t optimal for Earthlings, but he had to follow his instincts. He pulled his lower cock out of her and pushed both his penises inside her. Her back arched, she strained to accommodate him while releasing her loudest scream yet, which transformed into short cries at every thrust.
Filling her to the brim was the perfect answer to his needs. His hands slid around her throat, and he slowly applied pressure. Her gasps for air turned him on even more. He pushed slightly harder. Her contractions around his dicks sent him over the edge. Spurt after spurt of his purple semen filled her openings.
Only a few moments later, Enania coughed and came to. “Brapax, please, release me.”
He did as she asked and helped her off the cross. Her body couldn’t stand yet, so he sat down to the wall and pulled her in his arms. Her head rested on his chest.
When she had recovered a little more, she smiled up at him. “Thank you, Brapax, for making my dreams come true.”
He nodded. “You earthlings are crazy. Why is this forbidden?”
Enania shrugged her shoulders. “Because they don’t understand it. Thank you for this. Think we can do it again?”
Brapax started to rise. “Now?”
Enenia laughed and pushed him back down. “No, not now. Not today. I need to recover first. But soon. Thank you, Mr Aicahn.”
Brapax gave a short roar and hit his chest with his fist. He had made his people proud. And he couldn’t really explain why, but he liked this weird female earthling. Yes, he could do this again.
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