Brapax has a surprise for his human lover, will she be pleased?
Brapax tried to adjust to his new planet and their customs. During his first visit he was nearly successful. Much to his surprise, his human shows him ‘BDSM.’ Together they discover the benefits. Brapax takes on the challenge and discovers primal sex.
Brapax established a video call with his lover Enania. “Hi, you like last time?”
A blush crept up her cheeks. “Yes, Brapax, last time was cool.”
“You could handle it?”
She gave a slight nod. “It was scary, and it was a lot, but I could handle it.”
“Was it ‘BDSM’ enough?” he asked with genuine concern.
“Yes, definitely.”
“Is good. I like it too. I have a new plan. You want to come here?”
“Now?” she asked hesitantly.
“If not possible now, when?”
“I could do tonight. Will I be running in the forest again?”
“Is surprise.”
“Okay, is seven all right?”
“Yes, that good. See you tonight.”
She extended her hands and bowed her head in acknowledgement.
Brapax smiled and disconnected the call. He couldn’t really explain why, but he liked this human girl and her weird ‘BDSM’ ways. It was sad she wasn’t allowed to explore them in her community, but he was happy to help. He sent a text message to his brother Brayhr. Brapax was sure his brother would like to help his human friend explore her sexual desires.
That evening, at seven o’clock sharp, Enania arrived at his place. He buzzed her in and went over to greet her. Upon seeing him, she extended her hands and braced herself for the hard slap Brapax gave her in greeting.
“Good, you’re here. Let’s go.”
“Yes, Brapax,” she murmured demurely and followed him to the back room where they had also played last week.
Brapax opened the door and stepped inside the room. Instead of last week’s jungle surroundings, it was now the ultimate BDSM playroom.
There was a large bed in the middle, and the walls were covered with implements like whips and clamps.
“No forest here.” E sounded relieved.
“I thought you’d like this,” Brapax replied with a tight voice.
“I do, I do.” Enania walked past the tools and let her fingers run through the leather strands of a flogger. “I’m sure we can have fun here.”
“Oh, definitely.” She went over to Brapax and placed a kiss on his cheek. “Thank you, my sweet alien.”
Brapax hesitated. Part of him wanted to shove her away, but it felt strange and also somewhat familiar. She had done this before.
“Why?” he asked.
“What, this?” she replied and gave him a kiss on his other cheek. “It’s an expression of love, silly. This is how humans show they really like each other. Kisses and hugs.”
“Hugs?” he repeated.
She threw her arms around him in a tight embrace. “You stand close to each other, like this. Can you feel my heartbeat?”
“I hear heartbeat always.”
Enania took a step back. “It’s about the connection. Family members do this and close friends.”
He nodded. “Yes, you are my friend. Want fuck now?”
She giggled. “Sure, Brapax, let’s do it.” She undressed completely and placed her clothes on a nearby table. “What was your plan for today?”
“Lie on bed, on belly. I whip you first.”
“All right.” She assumed the position. “Like this?” she asked as she placed her hips over a pillow in the middle of the bed. It raised her ass in the air.
Brapax nodded. “Yes, is good. Now I bind you.” He spread her arms wide and fastened them to chains in the corner of the bed. He did the same with her ankles. There was space for her to move, but it was clear she couldn’t escape.
He walked to her head. “I blind vision,” he announced before putting a blindfold over her eyes. The large black patches covered her eyes completely.
Brapax walked to the wall of implements and returned to her holding a cane. He swashed it through the air and hit her ass hard.
Enania yelped at the sudden impact.
He decorated her ass with many stripes.
He changed the cane for a heavy flogger. At the first hit of this tool, Enania wheezed as if the air had been struck from her lungs.
“Careful…Brapax,” she managed to utter. “Not so hard.”
Brapax frowned. She was his. He had caught her. No protests. He left a bit more pause between his strikes. He liked how her skin was now bright red.
There was something he wanted to try. From the wall of tools, he selected a small slapper. He began with her ass, but her screams weren’t as loud as with the big flogger or cane. He aimed at the soft lips between her legs. She shot forward in response, as far as her bindings allowed her and let out an ear-deafening scream. He had hit right.
“Get back,” he ordered.
She waited a few moments but got back to her previous position. He hit her in the same place. This time she cried out and shot forward a little but quickly resumed her spot. Five hits later, she was sobbing. “Please, Brapax, no more.”
He merely grunted in response. He put away the slapper and went over to his pod, where he pushed a button. He threw a bottle of lube on the bed next to her prone body. He took off his pants and underwear and approached her head.
“Open,” he commanded.
He had knelt on the bed and pressed his lower dick into her mouth. She struggled to accommodate him but did her best to suck him off.
The door opened as Brayhr entered the room; the second alien was stark naked. Brapax nodded and pushed his lower dick deep inside the girl’s throat. As she struggled to fit him in, Brayhr took position behind her, lubed up his dicks, lined them up to her pussy and ass and sunk them in, in one go. Enania rose up in protest, not knowing what was happening, but the two males kept her firmly in place.
“No bite,” Brapax hissed at her. He began making fucking motions inside her mouth, knowing the movement would distract her even more.
At the same time, his brother was having the time of his life, fucking Enania deep with long hauls. He massaged her tender reddened skin hard, making her twitch even more.
Brapax was the first to shoot his load. The girl was too distraught and out of breath to swallow it, so his purple cum landed all over her face and hair.
Brayhr wasn’t even close. He bent forward while still inside her, closed his hands around her throat and hauled her up with them. Her eyes widened in shock.
“No, brother. Don’t,” Brapax instructed.
Brayhr only needed to squeeze a little harder for her body to respond in the way he needed to reach his orgasm. Jet after jet filled up the innocent human. He dropped her to the bed when he was done.
“Well done, brother. Will you pay her?” Brayhr asked.
“She’s my lover; she don’t need money,” Brapax explained.
“No money? Always good. Again?”
Brapax shook his head. “She is only human; they’re weak.”
“I know.”
Enania raised her torso up on her arms as far as she could and coughed. “Who…?” she asked, looking from the one alien to the other.
“This my brother, Brayhr.”
Brayhr went over to her face and slapped her hard. “Thanks for sex. When again?”
“But Brapax, we never discussed this.”
“I know. Was surprise.” Brapax knocked his chest with his fist proudly. “Is ‘BDSM,’” he added.
“You shouldn’t have done this.”
“But was good sex,” he said in his defence.
“Yes, Brapax. Please untie me.”
Brapax did while his brother untied her ankles. She rose from the bed and went to Brayhr. “Nice to meet you. You’re a good fuck, but I would have liked to know before.”
Brayhr shrugged. “Okay. Again?”
Enania shook her head wearily. “No, not again, not now. Maybe some other day.”
“Brapax, may I shower now?”
“Yes, you know.” He motioned to the door she could do as she pleased.
Humans were a problematic species. She wanted to learn BDSM, and he wanted to help. He thought he had done well. And now she seemed angry? Strange.
I just love this series – so much fun and sexy and a bit different
May xx
Thanks, May 🙂
This series is so intriguing and I don’t know why. Aliens are NOT my thing and yet I’m always caught up in the story and rather delighted by it all 🙂
Great episode!
Thanks so much, that means a lot to me 🙂 I’m not a hard-core science fiction fan myself and try to focus on the human relationships. Ehm, I mean, alien-human relationships :p
Oh he still has more lessons to learn, I see. Great episode!
~ Marie xox
It’s strange that she didn’t like it.
Great series. In every scene they discover something new.