My Experience as a Straight Female with a Female Sex Doll

Last night, I was in bed for a masturbation session. Alone, since my husband was away for the evening. I had a vibrator to review, so I decided to have some fun on my own.
I wrote some fiction to get in the mood, I watched some videos and tested the vibrator. Worked well, I must say, and that was that.
But I wasn’t entirely alone. Together with me in the bed was Ling, an inflatable sex doll sent to me by for a review. She arrived earlier this week and was spending some time in our bed since that was the best place to keep her. I still need to take detailed pictures of her. My husband also wanted to try her, so I can give an in-depth review.
The Doll Entered the Scene
During the first round of testing the PMV20 Tone vibrator, I took the doll’s hand in mine. It was a comforting feeling. I felt less alone.
After my orgasm, I turned to my side and smiled at my inflatable friend. She had been there with me all along. I stroked her chin, her nose, her breasts. She has the most beautiful nipples that I just had to touch and flick. I stroked her soft belly, her arms, and again held her hand. Ling turned me on.
The more I stroked her, the more my breathing increased. I was half over her body and nearly rode her. Her female shape turned me on.
I rolled off of her, took another vibrator and quickly reached my second orgasm of the night.
Afterwards, I stroked and kissed the doll, thanked her for her presence and help.
What the Hell?

What happened here, surprised me. I mean, I know I’m a sexual being. I’ve always known I’m not 100% heterosexual. I had foreseen a similar scene happening with one of those fancy $1000+ silicone, life-like dolls. I had not guessed my first sex doll experience would be with an inflatable doll.
During the act, it was very confusing. I felt stupid in a way, and ridiculous. I’ve never played much with dolls, also not as a kid. What the hell was I doing making love to a blow-up doll?
I felt unworthy of having sex with such a thin, beautiful young lady. That is truly what was going on in my mind. I felt sorry for her that she had to deal with such a big, clumsy woman.
I had to remind myself that despite her form, she is an inanimate object. Since I own this doll, it’s my right to use her in this way. It is her purpose.
It was a boundary I needed to cross for myself. I was home alone, no one was watching or could walk in, so I could do as I pleased. If I wanted to ride an inflatable sex doll, then that is perfectly fine.
Mind Games
Your mind plays strange tricks on you. Some part of my brain really saw her as a friend, as a lover. My body responded to her proximity, to her sexiness. Ling really turned me on.
New Venues
So yeah, I now have many things to ponder. As I had suspected, I’m not 100% straight. I like having sex with girls, for the moment, at least with the inflatable ones.
I like having sex with sex dolls. That’s also something that needs to sink in. How degraded am I really? But then again, how different is a pretty girl-shaped doll from a phallic dildo?
Many doors have opened. I can tell you one thing: it was the first time I played with a sex doll, but it certainly wasn’t the last time.
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Oh u do make me smile Liz – laugh actually – loved the quirkiness of this post – go Ling and go Liz – glad u had fun
May x
That’s exactly what I hoped to portray ☺️
The uneasiness, the awkwardness, but at the same time how hot it was ?
Thanks for reading ?
Oh Liz, this was such a fun and intensely interesting read! I definitely look forward to read about more of your experiences!
~ Marie
Thanks, Marie ☺️
Ling seems to be a better blow up doll than I’ve seen. You have fun with her. Lol. Feels a little strange to call her “her!”
Yeah, her quality really surprised me. I think what makes a big difference is that she has a silicone head, and breasts, hands and feet.
Can you imagine what it was like for me to acknowledge I had sex with ‘her’ ??
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