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The prompt ‘party’ was extremely timely as it was my birthday last week. And even today, at the age I have become (not yet forty), I hate parties and birthday parties most of all. According to my mother, this has always been the case ever since my first birthday. From what I remember, it was the same for my eighteenth and still the case this week.
Birthdays as an INFJ
According to many tests online about the Meyers-Briggs personality types, I identify most closely with the INFJ type. The core principles are: Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging. Add to that my HSP, Highly Sensitive Personality, and you can deduce I’m not a party person. It’s draining for me to be around other people, even the people I love. I need to be alone afterwards to recharge my battery. I despise small talk. After working many years in retail, I know how to talk about the weather, but it’s incredibly dull to me.
Dutch Birthday Parties
I despise the Dutch tradition of celebrating birthdays where you invite friends and family, everyone sits in a circle, and you eat snacks together, most often quite tasteless and dried out from standing open on the table for too long. Overall, it just isn’t much fun. And so, for the past ten years, I don’t really celebrate my birthday anymore. After becoming twenty-one, there’s not much fun in it anyway.
Not a Party Person
My mother used to tell me that after my first birthday party, she totally expected me to be overly excited and fussy like all small children would be after such a busy day. Instead, I said quietly in the corner, playing with the gift wrappings and boxes. So when she threw me a party for my eighteenth birthday and afterwards I told her: ‘I could have gone without a party, you needn’t have done it for me,’ she understood. After all, I had been like that all my life.
This week’s party was fine. I only invited my close in-law family, which I’m close to. We had dinner together, and we played board- and video games. It was a fun evening. And yes, I could’ve gone without, but okay.
So you can’t really say this week’s song matches my personality well. ‘Let’s have a party’ is not something you’ll find me often saying, if at all. I like the song because it brings back memories to when I listened to this CD a lot, back when I was still a huge Backstreet Boys fan. And I guess we did have parties of our own during that time.
Song Lyrics Sunday is a prompt by Jim Adams, other entries can be found here: https://jimadamsauthordotcom.wordpress.com/2021/09/04/blowout-affair/
The Backstreet Boys were the first group since Led Zeppelin to have their first ten albums reach the top 10 on the Billboard 200, and the only boy band to do so. I never liked their singing all that much but these guys could dance.
Ah, I didn’t know that. What I still like about them, yes, this is from a former fan, is that they can really sing too. When you listen to their acapella clips, the quality is amazing.
I was never a Backstreet Boys fan and although I have heard this song before would not have known they were singing. I think they are coming back….I’m not good on the music front, I just enjoy it.
They’ve never stopped, really. They’ve continued to make music these past twenty years, on and off. I primarily enjoy their earlier work, but they’re great artists nonetheless.
And I have always liked their melodic songs.
And by the way, happy birthday!
Thank you 😊
Ahh, look how young was Nick! I was a fan of BSB since like 1999 when they got popular on TRL. Such a great song!
I remember the time when their songs were played in every shopping center. Nice light music and lyrics, funny and not overloading the brain with deep meanings. It may not be a masterpiece, but the mood improved.
The Backstreet boys were my boyband of choice, not only could they sing, but their dancing was ok too, and easy enough for me to try and emulate. I love that, even after your first birthday, you were just happy in your own company afterwards. I’m not a party person, I attend them but always manage to find my way into the kitchen to prep food and chatter quietly.
Also, thank you for sharing the link back for Song Lyric Sunday. I’ve seen a few posts for this prompt but couldn’t find out anything about it. I am definitely hoping to join in at some point in the not too distant future. N x
Yes, they were definitely my favourite boyband and they could really sing, also acapella 🙂
I love your suggestions of going to the kitchen and create a more private environment for yourself during parties. I tend to do that too. It make it easier to handle 😉
Song Lyric Sunday is a really cool project. I have since lost interest in it, but I think I kept it up for about a year. It’s fun to see what other people come up with for a particular prompt.