Love and Music

Photo by Spencer Imbrock on Unsplash
Photo by Spencer Imbrock on Unsplash

Music has always played a significant role in my life. When I saw the prompt for this meme, I knew I wanted to participate. I’ve been going over my options for the past couple of days. It’s not that easy to choose songs which portray my relationships best. I had one relationship in which music played a significant role, but that’s also the one partner I’d rather not give that much attention to. So instead of the three/four songs I could have chosen for my time with him, I decided to go with just one. And for another rather music-less relationship, I wanted a song I knew I listened to while I was with him. But I’m gonna begin with my first boyfriend who I don’t mention too often: my Latin lover.

Latin Merengue Music

Se lo doy – Los Homeboys

My first boyfriend was from the Dominican Republic. I was sixteen at the time while he was seventeen. It’s my most vanilla, regular relationship I ever had. We explored sexual things together, like fondling on the couch and spending the night together. We were sort of set up together since his mother was friends with my father’s girlfriend. Our time together lasted only a couple of months, but it was right for as long it lasted.

Darker Times

Can You Handle Me – Kane

The next relationship I had was much more turbulent. Or rather, it was for the first few months, and after that, it was…silence.
Nine out of ten times he wouldn’t answer the phone when I called. It drove me crazy. I had just moved into a student room, and I was very lonely. It was definitely a dark time in my life, but yes, this song encompassed it spot on. He couldn’t handle me.

Happy, to a Degree

The Right Man – Christina Aguilera

After a time of turbulence came a time of peace. I had a great time with this partner. We were friends, and we had activities together, just not that much sexual. Music was also virtually non-existent during this time, so instead of a song of us, I chose a song from that time.
I’m a big Christina Aguilera fan, and I loved this album. I listened to it a thousand times, and I knew every word. What’s ironic is that I felt a connection to the song ‘The Right Man’ while I knew deep down that this guy, sweet though he was, was not the right man for me. Sometimes it takes a while for a lesson to be learned.

Not Really One Song of Us

The Season’s Upon Us – Dropkick Murphys

My husband actually came up with this song when I asked for a song that described us. And no, it’s not because our relationship is ‘mischief and mayhem,’ but our families are. My family is no longer around for the most part, but my husband’s still is, and we have plenty to deal with them. Of course, they’re good people, and they’re not as bad as in the song, but they can cause us the occasional headache.


Some of these songs may come as a surprise, they were even a surprise for me, and I came up with this text. I think music plays a big part in life, always, even when you think it didn’t. The songs mentioned here play a significant role for me. They will always transport me back to that time of my life, no matter where I am today, all the way from Latin America to Ireland.


    1. The latin one is probably just a generic merengue song, but it holds many memories for me ☺️
      You should definitely listen to the Christmas song. The lyrics are hilarious ?
      Thanks for reading ☺️

  1. I’m loving your entries Liz! You always incorporate humor and this was no shortage. Christina Aguilera was a staple in my high school years. I’m still a Dropkick fan and have seen them in concert several times so that is my favorite you’ve listed, plus always good for a laugh. 🙂

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